
  • International Christian School of Vienna is currently closed and our Distance Learning has started in all grade levels.
    We plan to reopen on Tuesday, April 14.
    If you have any questions and/or concerns please email office@icsv.at.

One of my favorite parts of each week is chapel time. I try and make it a priority to attend all three chapels, which I did this week. In elementary chapel on Tuesday, our new elementary principal, Ms. Fitcher, was the speaker. The topic was “creation.” Every time I hear of how God created the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the animals, the birds, the fish, etc. I experience a sense of awe. He literally spoke, and it was done, and He saw that it was good.

Ms. Fitcher pointed out that when He created people, it was different. God created man and woman in His own image, breathing into them the very breath of life. Genesis 1:31 says, “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” We value your children because they are image-bearers of the Creator of the Universe!

Later in the week during middle school and high school chapels, Mr. Hummel spoke about the importance of living together in unity. He expounded on the definition of love, reminding the students that we’re not talking about the mushy kind of love that is shown through Hollywood, but rather love that puts others’ needs before their own. As an example, he chose a volunteer from among the students and then proceeded to do as Jesus had done for His disciples. Mr. Hummel got down on his hands and knees with a bowl of water and gently washed and dried the student’s feet. Mr. Hummel told the students that he wanted them to get that picture in their mind as to what it means to truly love and serve someone. This is the kind of message that we want our students to learn this year: God’s unconditional love.

We are privileged to have two such dedicated Christian educators serving as our academic principals. It is my pleasure to work alongside them each and every day.

Because of His Faithfulness,
Sharon Brobst, Ed.D.