Through art, we interpret and convey God’s creation in a personal and meaningful way. The ICSV Visual and Performing Arts Department provides students with opportunities to discover, appreciate, and develop their artistic giftings and to give glory to God, the giver of those gifts.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts opportunities include courses in Elementary through High School. Students begin by learning the elements and principles of design. The Elementary students enjoy displaying their artwork during an annual Elementary Art Show. Because of our location in beautiful Vienna, students enjoy field trips where they enjoy trips to local museums.
ICSV is pleased to have two music teachers to work with our students. In Elementary School, students enjoy weekly classes where they learn the basics of music, such as note values and names. Students in the upper Elementary grades learn to play the ukulele, recorder, or guitar. They perform in two concerts per year, one at Christmas, and the other in the spring.
Students at all levels can be part of a worship team that leads their peers during weekly chapels.
The ICSV Drama Department allows students to use their dramatic abilities as a form of worship. Elementary students in grades Primary through two enjoy putting on a small musical play for their parents that is a combined effort between the Music and Library teachers. When they reach Middle School, there is the opportunity to be part of a larger production. Some years there is a Middle School musical, and others the Drama Department produces a larger show that involves students from all levels. Students can also serve behind the scenes, working on costumes, the set, stage crew, and technical areas.