
Middle & High School

Welcome to Athletics at ICSV!

ICSV believes that participation in sports, besides providing great opportunities for exercise and spending time with friends, can provide invaluable experiences for our student-athletes through the inculcation of positive life values.

Our athletes have the opportunity to learn and put into practice the values of teamwork, self-discipline, time management, delayed gratification in order to achieve a long-term goal and elevation of performance under adverse circumstances. Our prayer is that through the teaching and mentoring of ICSV coaches, a foundation can be laid for our student-athletes upon which they can build toward future successes in life.

We don’t just strive to create great athletes at ICSV. We strive to create powerful young men and women, who will be impactful in this world.

Melvin Perdue, Athletic Director

Picture of ICSV athletic director sports

Home of the Eagles

ICSV offers a wide variety of sports programs for all of our secondary students. Besides competing in friendly competitions against our neighboring international schools here in Vienna, we also compete in festivals and tournaments as part of the Danube Valley Athletic Conference (DVAC), which includes teams from international schools in Vienna, Salzburg, Carinthia, Bratislava, and Budapest.

The following sports are offered:

Fall Sports

  • High School Boys Soccer
  • High School Girls Soccer
  • High School Girls Volleyball
  • High School Boys Volleyball
  • Middle School Boys Soccer
  • Middle School Girls Soccer

Winter Sports

  • High School Boys Basketball
  • High School Girls Basketball
  • Middle School Boys Basketball
  • Middle School Girls Basketball

Spring Sports

  • Middle School Track & Field
  • High School Track & Field
  • Middle School Girls Volleyball
  • Middle School Golf
  • High School Golf